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News and views

The impact of rising costs on women in Scotland

The Scottish Women’s Budget Group brings together a wide range of women from across Scotland who have an interest in women’s equality and want to achieve better gender equality in our society.

Sara Cowan, from the Scottish Women's Budget Group shares her findings on the impact of rising costs on women in Scotland.

Visit: for more information about the work of SWBG. Together we will tackle inequality in our society.

Test of National Emergency Alerts System

The Scottish Government is taking part in a trial of a new UK government Emergency Alert System. On Sunday, 23rd April at 3pm there will be a national test of the UK emergency alerts service.

Emergency alerts will be used to let the public know about emergency situations, such as severe weather warnings. They will work like a radio broadcast. In an emergency, every compatible mobile phone or tablet in a range of a mast will receive the alert.

It is very important to be aware that the Emergency Alerts will sound even on devices set to silent.

mobile phone

For women living with domestic abuse having access to a hidden, secret phone can be a lifeline. This alert may reveal a secondary phone used for safety purposes.

International Women’s Day 2023

Today, on International Women’s Day, it’s good to learn that more boys and men are standing up and calling time on misogyny. 79% of teenage girls say sexual assault is common in their friendship group (Source: OFSTED). For teenage girls, escaping online harassment, revenge porn, and other forms of abuse is impossible. Misogyny is everywhere, no more so than in the manosphere, that corner of the internet where men blame all their woes on women. Oceans of this online women-hating stuff inevitably wash up on the shores of everyday life. But there are signs of pushback. Boys and men are reacting against such hateful and destructive attitudes as never before.

Border Women’s Aid becomes a member of the YouthBorders Network!

We are delighted at the news that our application for Full Membership of both YouthBorders and Youth Scotland has been approved. YouthBorders is the network of voluntary and community-based youth organisations in the Scottish Borders, supporting and promoting good quality youth work. Joining the network gives Border Women’s Aid instant access to peer support, networking events and opportunities, high quality training, and membership support services.

Police Scotland launches new domestic abuse campaign

A new campaign, launched today, calls on men to reflect, take action and stop domestic abuse before it starts.

‘Is That Me?’ Police Scotland’s latest domestic abuse campaign targets young men, aged 18 – 25 years, and highlights behaviours that in new relationships are abusive and might be indicative of future, escalating abuse.

Launching the new campaign Assistant Chief Constable, Bex Smith, Police Scotland said: “Stopping your new partner seeing friends, checking their phone, demeaning them, is neither caring nor romantic. These are controlling, abusive behaviours.

A huge weight lifted off my shoulders when I contacted BWA

I feel more in control and hopeful because of BWA support

Hands keeping me safe and comfortable. Helping me to find joy. Thank you so much for the last 14 months

Having a safety plan in place has reduced my stress

I thought domestic abuse happened to other people but I realise now that abuse can happen to anyone
